Reflecting on 2018

Wow! What a year it’s been! I made a promise to myself at the beginning of 2018 that I would put more time into my writing and it seems to be paying off (…well, not necessarily in dollars, but in adding credentials to my CV!)

It started with finding the courage to submit my first solo poetry collection to Ginninderra Press for consideration, and receiving that much anticipated letter of acceptance. Woohoo!

The book is due for release on January 1st. What a way to start 2019!

I have also had 3 poems published in the Valley Voices Literary Review, two in Voice of Eve, one in Pure Slush - Seven Deadly sins ‘Sloth’ edition and another one accepted for the upcoming ‘Wrath’ edition.

Two of my poems (both from my collection) were accepted for ‘Well-Versed,’ an initiative of radio PBAFM as part of the 2019 Fringe event.

This year, for the first time, the Mannum SALA (South Australian Living Artists) exhibition included one of my poems presented as an art piece. What a buzz seeing my work up there amongst that of some incredibly talented artists.

I officially registered my ‘Into Words’ writing service and personalised poetry service as a business. My aim is to promote this further in 2019.

I have had a fantastic year and hope that my writing success will continue.

Whatever your dreams are for the future, there is no better time to start putting them into action. If I can do it, anyone can!
