This year has brought so many changes that I don’t know where to start!
Who would have thought that I would move out of my house and into a campervan full-time? But that’s exactly what I did about 8 months ago, and as yet, I haven’t looked back. My writing has gone from strength to strength and, although I’m no longer involved with my local writing group, I still attend (remotely) the Adelaide Plains Chapter & Verse group that my friend and colleague, Carolyn Cordon and I started in Gawler way back in 2012. This group is also going strong and achieving some great milestones.
I’ve also taught a few workshops, and intend to do more this year if all goes well.
Life on the road with my greyhound, Winter and my van, Trevor has been inspirational, and I’ve been chronicling my journey with the end goal being a poetry collection that is, hopefully, worthy of publication.
I’ve had my poems published in several wonderful collections from Pure Slush Books, Red Penguin, and Ginninderra Press among others. I feel truly blessed and grateful for this life.